
Artist First Radio

09/11/2010 07:52

On Wednesday, September 15, log on to  I will be a guest on the radio show, which will run live from 6:00 pm CST to 7:00 pm CST.  I will be promoting both of my books..."How High Can You Fly?" and "Reflections On Life's Lessons."  Please "tune in" and show your support...


Author Event

08/04/2010 19:27


On Saturday, August 7, 2010, I will be setting up a table at Asiel's on Mammoth Lake.  They are located on Dixie Drive in Lake Jackson/Clute.  There will be a number of vendors set up there from 8:00 am until 2:00 pm.  I will be having a table there at which people can purchase copies of either (or both) book(s).  I will also be autographing the books that are sold and doing a meet and greet.  Please stop by to visit and/or purchase a copy of your book.  I look forward to seeing you there!


"Reflections On Life's Lessons"

08/03/2010 07:17

If you're in the Webster area on August 24th at 7:30 pm, stop by the Barnes and Noble store.  They are hosting a poetry slam again that evening, and I've been invited to participate!  Come by and show your support.  I'm also working on setting up an author event (for both books) at this location, as well as the Barnes and Noble in Sugar Land.  I'll keep you posted.


"How High Can You Fly?"

08/03/2010 07:15

My children's book, "How High Can You Fly?," was recently placed in two local teacher supply stores.  If you're in the Sugar Land area, and happen to stop by Crystal Children and Teacher Supply, look for a copy of my book.  The owner, Doreen Choi, said that she would place copies of the book at the register in order to highlight a local author.  The book will be at both of her store locations.




Book Signing in MN

07/20/2010 09:30

The book signing I did on July 7th in MN went extremely well!  I was so nervous going into the book signing because I grew up in the area and still know many of the residents, but in the end there was no need to be so nervous.  I brought 30 copies of "How High Can You Fly?," and 40 copies of "Reflections On Life's Lessons" with me to the signing.  I didn't expect to sell much, but the publicity in the local paper really helped sales...that and word of mouth.  Within the first 45 minutes of being there, I had already sold 9 copies of my books...mostly children's books.  When the four hours were up, I wound up selling all 30 copies of "How High Can You Fly?," and 10 copies of "Reflections On Life's Lessons."  The store manager was so impressed, that she ordered 12 additional copies of the children's book, and bought 4 of the poetry books that I had left.  When I returned to my parents' place, I had orders for 6 more children's books.  I ended up having to ship books back to MN once I returned to TX.  I was so thrilled with the overwhelming response and turn out.  There was even a little 5 year old boy who came up to me and said, "Can I have your autograph please!"  It was so adorable!!  I spoke with the manager the other day, and she said that people are still coming in asking for copies of my books!  I am so excited to finally have a store carry both books, and be successful at the same time!!  I was so honored to be able to return home and have a successful event!  It pushes me to really do more to be successful here with my writing and illustrations.  I'm already working on the next children's book...


Book Signing

06/23/2010 12:46


I will be conducting another book signing on July 7, 2010.  This new book signing will be held at City Drug in Int'l Falls, MN from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  The local newspaper in Int'l Falls has also been contacted for an article highlighting the recent award which "How High Can You Fly?" has won.  I also received news yesterday that City Drug is interested in carrying the children's book as well.  I am planning for a huge promotional deal from this, and I am extremely thrilled to be doing a book signing in my hometown!


Author Events/Book Signings

11/07/2009 12:10 45 day promotion event has ended, and only a few offers for interviews were made.  I've completed one interview to date, and have at least two other radio stations that want to interview me regarding my children's book.  I have press kits available and am waiting on another shipment of books (the first shipment has sold out completely), and then I can begin approaching bookstores about author events/book signings. 

I am trying to locate a reputable agent to represent my work, but it is so very difficult.  I am open to any and all suggestions from everyone.  If you happen to know of reputable agents who take on children's book authors, let me know.  I didn't realize that publicizing a book was so difficult to do on one's own...I need help.


How High Can You Fly?

08/23/2009 15:32

My children's book, "How High Can You Fly?," is now available through;; and  You can also check it out, along with a brief bio of myself, at  Look for author signings and readings coming soon...maybe to a school or book store near you! 


Book Signings

08/10/2009 12:05

I am now attempting to get some publicity for both of my books through book signings at local bookstores.  I have contacted six different major bookstores as of this morning, and now it's a waiting game.  I am so hoping that I will be able to begin making some appearances within and around the Houston area this Fall.  It is very nervewracking trying to organize author appearances, continue with college, teach, and raise a young son but I know that it will be worth it in the end.  Even if nothing huge comes from writing books, I know that I have at least impacted some lives in a small way.  I didn't start writing for the fame or the potential monetary reward anyway...I began writing as a way to express myself, and writing children's books began with the birth of my son. If my books give someone joy, laughter, or a way to deal with their emotions and knowing that they're not alone in what they have gone through, then that is all that matters.


First blog

08/08/2009 00:06

This blog has been launched today.  It is an effort to self publicize one of my two books, "Reflections On Life's Lessons."  This collection of poetry is available through;;;; and  It is hoped that, through a wider range of marketing, more individuals will have the opportunity to check out my book.  I have also just released a children's book called, "How High Can You Fly?," which is available at  It will officially be in bookstores nationwide in 30-45 days.  Please leave feedback on the site and let me know whether you have checked out either of the books.  Don't forget to sign the guestbook!


Author appearances


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Я хотела бы поделиться своим впечатлением от работы частного специалиста по озонированию, которого я нашла по номеру 8 909 826 3556 (Комсомольск-на-Амуре). Когда я переехала в свою новую съемную квартиру, я столкнулась с проблемой запаха сигарет, который не хотел уходить, даже после тщательной уборки и проветривания.

После множества попыток избавиться от запаха, я решила обратиться за помощью к специалисту. Найдя контактный номер на объявлении, я позвонила и была приятно удивлена вежливостью и пониманием, которые мне оказали с той стороны провода. Специалист выслушал мои проблемы и объяснил, как он может помочь.

Встретившись со мной в квартире, специалист проявил высокий уровень профессионализма и внимания к деталям. Он осмотрел каждое помещение, обсудил со мной проблемные зоны и предложил план действий.

Процесс озонирования прошел быстро и эффективно. Специалист использовал специализированное оборудование, чтобы распределить озон по всей квартире. Когда процесс был завершен, я заметила невероятную разницу. Запах сигарет полностью исчез, и воздух в квартире стал свежим и чистым.

Я очень благодарна этому специалисту за его профессионализм и отличную работу. Он не только помог мне избавиться от неприятного запаха, но и дал мне рекомендации о том, как поддерживать чистоту в квартире в будущем.

В целом, я очень довольна результатом и рекомендую услуги этого частного специалиста по озонированию всем, кто столкнулся с подобной проблемой. Его профессионализм, внимание к деталям и качество работы заслуживают самой высокой оценки.

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Я хочу поделиться своим впечатлением от работы с командой SEO-Ezoterica ru . Наш стартап столкнулся с проблемой негативных отзывов, которые могли серьезно повредить нашему бизнесу, который только начинал свой путь на рынке. Мы обратились к нескольким агентствам, но только SEO-Ezoterica ru сумела предложить решение, которое полностью устроило нас. Их профессионализм, внимание к деталям и понимание наших потребностей сразу же поразили нас. Они разработали стратегию, которая была точно нацелена на наши цели и ожидания, и провели работу быстро и эффективно. Результаты их работы превзошли наши ожидания: негативные отзывы были удалены, а наша репутация была восстановлена. Мы не могли быть более довольными результатом и определенно будем рекомендовать SEO-Ezoterica ru всем нашим знакомым и партнерам.


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